I've been honored with the Beautiful Blogger Award by Lisa Day of
This, That and The Other Thing!
Thank you so much Lisa!
Of course there are rules that go along with this award. They are:
1.Thank the link to the person that gave you the award
2.Pass this award on to bloggers you've recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic
3.Contact said Blogs to let them know they've won
4.State 7 Things about yourself
7 things about myself:
1. I am the single mommy to one adorable if somewhat challenging two year old son.
2. I create a wide variety of signs that I sell on Etsy and Bonanzle. My Personalized Name Signs are my favorite to make.
3. I currently have 8 dogs, 2 rabbits, 2 doves, 3 fish and 1 cat.
4. I am Canadian but live in Belize, Central America and have for the last 6.5 years.
5. I am a fiercely loyal person.
6. I prefer books to TV which is good since I don't have TV here in the jungle.
7. I need to learn to have more patience.
...and now I would like to pass this on to:
The "Yes, I Can" ChildAlways a Southern GirlMontessori MomentsLemonade Makin' MamaElizabeth Patch's SketchBook BlogHeart & Sow DesignsA Pocket Full Of Buttons